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Metals are the chemical elements able to conduct electricity and heat that have a characteristic brightness and, except for mercury, are solids at normal temperature.
The concept is used to name pure elements or alloys with metallic composition. Unlike non-metals, metals have low ionization energy and low electronegativity.
Metals are persistent (sudden forces can be received without breaking), ductiles (it is possible to model them into threads or wires), malleable (they convert into sheet when compressed) and have good mechanical resistance (resisting tensile efforts, bending, torsion and compression without distortion).
Some metals appear as native elements (copper, gold, silver), while others may be obtained from oxides, sulfides, carbonates or phosphates. Metals are widely used in industry because they offer great stability and are protected against corrosion.

Description: It is a metallurgist product, resulting of adding to steel a quite important quantity of chromium and nickel. Thus, stainless quality does not come from a surface protective layer, but from alloy, the metal mixture.
Description: Copper (from the Latin cuprum), symbol Cu, is a chemical element, atomic number 29. It is one of most important metals.
Copper is one of the great amount of alloys that have better mechanical properties, though they have lower electrical conductivity
Description: It is a malleable metal, tenacious, gray/silver coloured, with magnetic properties. It is ironmagnetic at room temperature.
Description: Brass is an alloy made of copper and zinc. It is tougher than copper, ductile and able to be forged in thin sheets.
Description: Magnesium is not found in nature in the free state (as metal), but part of numerous compounds, mostly oxides and salts; It is insoluble. Elemental magnesium is a light metal, fairly strong, silvery white.
Description: Lead has a characteristic bluish white colour and it is quite soft, malleable and ductile. If slowly heated, it can go through any hole. It has a low resistance to traction and it is electricity bad conductor, but a good absorber of the sound and vibrations, and, due to its high density, of radiation.
Description: Zinc is a diamagnetic metal, bluish white colour, lustrous, although most of sold metals have matte finish. It is slightly less dense than iron and has a hexagonal crystal structure.
Carrer Gregori Resina, 6, 2º 1ª | 08401 Granollers (Barcelona) - Spain | T. (+34) 93 938 405 099 | F. (+34) 93.849.01.58 | e-mail: info@mapametals.com
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